InstaAstro Event Collaboration

Astrology has the power to change people's lives for the better, and InstaAstro is on its mission to make astrology available to everyone!

InstaAstro's events have greatly impacted people's lives, from making it better to educate them about astrology, which does not happen to be only about planets and stars but can help people gain their desires in life. With the help of online platforms, live sessions and in-person visits, our astrologers and team have significantly changed the perception of astrology in people's minds. From something outdated and superficial to something useful and needed that can help people better their lives and give them a peek at their future.

InstaAstro Events

Mata sundari College
We Work
WeWork Summer Fest
InstaAstro with Indo Global Enterpreneur Conclave 2023
Indo Global Enterpreneur Conclave 2023
InstaAstro with Aerocity
InstaAstro with Binmile Technology
Binmile Technology
InstaAstro with Lady Sriram College
Lady Shri Ram College
InstaAstro with Park Plus
Park Plus
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Karishma Tanna believes in InstaAstro

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Urmila Matondkar Trusts InstaAstro